Cleantech UBD

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy of UBD Cleantech AB explains how UBD Cleantech AB, with organization number (556141-1561) ("UBD Cleantech"), handles personal data. This policy applies to UBD Cleantech. We use information that we collect, or that you as a customer, employee or supplier provide for these main reasons:

For example, in order to fulfill our obligations to suppliers or customers, we use
contact details that we collect by contract or otherwise.

In order to be able to respond to questions or comments received by email from employees of other UBD Cleantech or from customers, we need to process the email, name and any other personal data provided in the email.

To fulfill the legal obligations imposed on us by, for example, the Accounting Act, we need to store accounting information for the prescribed period.

For this processing of your personal data, UBD Cleantech is the data controller. You will find information on
how to contact us under the heading "Contact details" below.

Please read more about how we use personal data, how it affects your privacy and how to exercise your rights:

Our principles

Our principles

UBD Cleantech operates in the field of business establishment. Processing user data in compliance with applicable rules and in a secure, efficient and value-adding way is central to building trust with customers, employees and partners. Protecting the privacy of individual users is critical to maintaining their trust and developing the long-term relationships we seek. UBD Cleantech management is responsible for ensuring that personal data is handled in accordance with applicable legislation and in a way that manages the trust of individuals.

Personal data we collect

UBD Cleantech collects data to fulfill contracts with our suppliers, partners, employees and job applicants and to provide the best possible service to you as a customer. Some of this data is provided by you directly in the context of our application process, contact by letter, email or in a business relationship. We may also collect data from third parties. Such third party sources may vary over time but have previously included:

R3 Reklambyrå AB in the context of cookies.

You can make choices about the data UBD Cleantech collects. When you are asked to provide personal information, you can choose to decline. However, if you choose not to provide information that is necessary to access a product, service or feature or its equivalent, there is a risk that you will not be able to use that specific product or feature. The data we collect depends on the context of your interactions with UBD Cleantech, your choices, including your privacy settings, and the products and features you use.

We also collect information you provide to us and the content of messages you send to us, such as feedback you write, or questions and information you provide to us.

Personal data we collect about you


If we intend to use personal data for a new purpose, beyond what is described in this policy, you will be informed of such use before, or in connection with, the collection of the personal data and we will ask for your authorization or, where required, your consent.

Alternatively, we will ask for your authorization and/or consent after such collection has occurred, but before we would use your personal data for a new purpose.

Reasons why we share your personal data

It may sometimes be necessary for us to share your information with entities that perform services on our behalf so that we can provide you with our services.

Where we share information about you with others, we have ensured that these companies comply with our data protection requirements and are not allowed to use the personal data they receive for any other purpose.

We also share information with entities we have hired to provide customer service, support or assistance in protecting and securing our systems and services where they need access to personal data in order to provide these services.

Finally, we may need to disclose or retain your information when we believe it is necessary to:

  1. comply with the law or legal process and disclose information to the police and other competent authorities,
  2. protect our customers and employees, for example, to prevent spam or fraud attempts.
  3. manage and maintain the security of our products and functions, including preventing or stopping an attack on our systems or networks.
    stop an attack on our systems or networks
  4. protect the rights or property of UBD Cleantech, including enforcing the terms and conditions that govern your use of the services.
    use of the services, but if we receive information that someone is using our services to trade in stolen intellectual or
    stolen intellectual or physical property of UBD Cleantech, we will not investigate an individual's private content ourselves, but we may
    individual's private content, but we may refer the matter to a law enforcement agency.

Please note that our website may contain links to third party products and features whose privacy policies differ from those of UBD Cleantech. If you enter personal data in any of these products and features, your data will be processed according to their respective privacy policies.

How to access and control your personal data

How to manage your rights under the Data Protection Act for UBD Cleantech can be found in the "Contact us" section.

Your individual rights

UBD Cleantech complies with current data protection laws in the European Union, which where applicable include the following rights:

  • You have the right to request, free of charge, an extract from the register (as defined in the legislation), and to access to a copy 
    of your personal data and request rectification and, in certain circumstances, erasure of your personal data of your personal data,
  • You have the right to request restriction and to object to the processing of your personal data that takes place on the basis of
    of our legitimate interests,
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority. The Swedish Data Protection Authority (IMY) is the
    authority in Sweden that oversees how we as a company comply with the legislation,
  • If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
    your consent for future processing of your personal data at any time.

Security of your personal data

UBD Cleantech uses a range of security technologies and methods to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, unwanted modification and loss of data. For example, personal data that you provide is stored on computer systems that have limited access and are located in secure facilities. When transmitting highly sensitive data (such as credit card numbers and passwords) over the internet, this data is protected by encryption.

Var vi sparar och behandlar personuppgifter

Personuppgifter som hanteras av UBD Cleantech kan lagras och behandlas i den region där du bor, i Sverige, eller i andra länder där UBD Cleantech, våra samarbetspartners eller leverantörer är verksamma. Vi vidtar åtgärder för att säkerställa att uppgifter som vi samlar in enligt denna integritetspolicy behandlas enligt bestämmelserna i denna policy och enligt tillämplig lagstiftning där uppgifterna finns.

Om vi, av skäl som vi redogör för i avsnittet “Anledningar till att vi delar dina personuppgifter” skulle överföra dina personuppgifter till en personuppgiftsansvarig eller ett personuppgiftsbiträde i tredje land, d.v.s. land utanför EU/EEA, kommer vi att ingå avtal och vidta andra åtgärder i enlighet med tillämpliga lagkrav. Vi kommer att använda EU:s standardklausuler som lämpliga säkerhetsåtgärder där det är möjligt.

Where we store and process personal data

UBD Cleantech retains personal data for as long as necessary to provide the products, features, and services, fulfill the transactions you have requested and authorized, or for other necessary purposes, such as complying with our legal obligations, resolving disputes, and enforcing our agreements. As these needs may vary for different types of data and for different types of products, services and contexts, actual retention periods may vary. Criteria that determine the length of time we store data include, for example:

  • How long is the personal data needed to provide the products, services and features? This includes includes maintaining and improving the performance of the products, services and features,
    protecting our systems and administering necessary business and accounting information. This is the general rule underlying the calculation of most retention periods.
  • Is the personal information particularly sensitive? If so, a shorter
    retention period.
  • Have you approved the use of a longer retention period? If so, we store the information in accordance with your
    your authorization.
  • Is Autocirc legally, contractually or otherwise committed to storing the information? Examples could be mandatory legislation on the retention of information in certain jurisdictions, government orders
    to retain data relevant to investigations, or data that needs to be retained for the purpose of resolving a dispute.

Cookies and similar technologies

For information on which cookies uses and how, see our cookie policy.

Changes to this privacy policy

We will update our privacy policy when necessary to reflect user feedback and changes to our products, services and features. When a policy is updated, the date of the last update changes at the top of the policy and the changes are described in the "History of Changes" section. If there are major changes to the policy or to how UBD Cleantech uses your personal data, you will be notified via web posting or email before the changes take effect to the extent required by law. Please read this privacy policy from time to time to stay informed about how UBD Cleantech protects your personal data and privacy.

Contact us

If you have questions or want to know more about how we process your personal data, please send an e-mail to You can also read more about us on our website